Monday, August 22, 2011

Sour Dough...

We are embarking on a new food regime in our household in the ongoing quest to combat the eczema that keeps us all up (see Ms M's Bliss)... so part of this is no yeat. Wheat yes, but yeast no... I've started making Jamie Oliver's Sour Dough bread - here's day one. Will try with spelt...stay tuned...
sour dough - day one


  1. Saw your blog featured on KMB :-) I loved looking through your posts and reading your recipes. I've recently started paying a lot more attention to what we eat, have been using more healthy grains and limiting the amount of dairy we consume. Can't wait to read more!

  2. Hi Jenny - thanks for the lovely comment! I will be updating more in the next few weeks - we've had a rotten bout of all sorts of illnesses here, so as soon as I'm on top of it all, there will be new yummy meals a coming to you!
